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At The Frames Bellavita Winery (MY Wine), we will teach you the entire wine making process on our premise – you will discuss with our Master Vintner about the type of wine you like, then pick a wine kit, hydrate the concentrated grape juice using crystal-clear reverse osmosis water, add yeast to it, and you are almost done.

In about five to six weeks, depending on the type of wine that you are making, your wine will be ready for the final stages -- bottling, corking, labeling and sealing. You may put on your choice of a generic or custom-made wine label (check out our Private Label for design ideas!).  These steps will take less than an hour and they are easy and FUN!

Most wine kits will make thirty 750mL bottles of delicious wine. You may choose to consume them right away, however, we recommend that you wait a month or two for better tasting. The taste of our premium red wines will keep improving for six months or more after bottling.




The Winemaking Process

© 2013 by The Frames Bellavita Winery Hong Kong Limited. All rights reserved

The Frames Bellavita Winery Hong Kong Limited

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