What is WINE? How do you make wine?
How do we pair food with wine?
Wine has been around since the beginning of time and has played an important role throughout history. Wine exists in every culture and civilization, and is largely consumed by the world on a daily basis. While wine is typically made of fermented grape juice, the variations may be infinite as wine can also be made with just about anything that can be grown. This workshop will give you a basic understanding of the types of wine from around the world, how to match different food with appropriate wines, and an insight in the wine making process.
No Secrets!
We show you how our wine is made right in front of your eyes so you know what you are putting into your body!
The workshop includes a presentation about winemaking, a demonstration of how we make wine of quality inside our winery, and a demonstration of bottling, corking and labeling of wines we made, etc.
Various types of wines wine will be served.
Participants are welcome to purchase their own wine kits and make their own wine in our winery!
Winemaking Workshop (2 Hours)
Course Objective:
- After the session, participants should:
Have a basic understanding of wine characteristics around the world
Understand the process of making wines and why it is possible to make quality wines just as easy in this part of the world
Learn how to select grape and customize the end resultant wine to their own tastes
Produce a world class wine and custom bottle under your own private labels
- Know better how to enjoy wine
Course Outline:
- Where do grapes come from
What influences grapes’ taste
Selecting your grape to make your wine
Customizing the grape with natural ingredients to make a wine that is truly yours
Understanding the fermentation process
- Custom bottling and personalized labeling of your wine
For more information, please contact us!